Yuan Wu

Yuan Wu , Professor, Dean of the School of Mathematics and Physics, Doctoral Supervisor. Recipient of National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, National Excellent Recipient of the Xiu Youth Science Foundation and a top young talent under the "Ten Thousand Talents Program".

The study of Physics and Mathematics is the foundation of natural science, and forms the basis for the development of modern science. Under this consensus, in the middle of the last century, the Foundation Courses Department at Beijing Iron and Steel Inst itute was founded. Head of the Mathematics Division was Professor Jingfang Liu, double-Ph. D-degree-holder in Mathematics and Astronomy in France, and the original director of Mathematics Department at Fu Jen University. Head of the Physics Division was Professor Jinghui Gu, formal director of the Department of Mathematics of Nankai University, and a mentor of the famous physicist Jianxiong Wu. From the two founders came other prominent scholars, making the department as the nexus of scholarly studies and academic research. It is from this beginning that the School of Mathematics and Physics evolves, attracting its own research faculty and elite scholars, such as members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Profs. Nanxian Chen and Houzhi Zheng, a member of the American Academy of Science, Prof. D.A. Weitz, “The Recruitment Program of Global Experts”, Profs. Ping Lin and Leo W. M. Lau, et al.


Our school has established many important teaching and academic centers, such as the National Engineering Physics Base, Beijing Weak Magnetic Detection and Application Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing Key Laboratory for Magneto-Photoelectrical Composite and Interface Science, Demonstration Center of the Experimental Teaching of Colleges and Universities in Beijing. The research platform includes equipment such as Environmental spherical aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy and high performance computer clusters for material analysis and calculation. Our school have undertaken more than a hundred projects at the national and provincial levels, published more than 150 scientific papers including journals such as the Nature series, and Phys. Rev. Lett., and achieved numerous awards including the second prize of National Natural Science Award, the first prize of Ministry of Education Natural Science Award.

With its dedicated staff, our School services departments from other schools by offering over 200 courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Our teaching excellence is exemplified by two lecturers who were awarded National first prize and second prize. We strive to improve and innovate teaching methods by experimenting with three special projects: Science Experimental Class, “Kun Huang” Class, and “Sihe Min's Mathematical Elite Program”.

In its 65 years’ history, our School have developed thousands of highly qualified personnel who now work in national institutes, corporations, higher education and research. Some of them have become the backbones and leaders in national politics, economics, science and education.

Having accomplished outstanding results so far, we will continue to strive for further excellence. We will continue to improve the departmental structure, consolidate our professionalism in applied science, and to develop multi-disciplinary studies. We will continue to attract top level scholars who would guide and nurture our young talents to build a strong teaching and research team. Our aim is to make our School a first rate facility for teaching and learning, and a center of excellence for research and innovation. With the support of our outstanding staff, we will move closer and closer to this goal.

Yuan Wu     

Dean of the School of Mathematics and Physics

  • School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, USTB
  • 30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing,100083