HongSheng Ding

office location:Physics& Chemistry Building 202C/ Chemistry & Biological Engineering Building 404
Research Interests:1.Condensed matter physics; 2. Physical Electronics

2009.08-present: Professor, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China; 2003. 08-2009. 07: Associate professor, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China; 1999. 09-2003. 03: PhD, Institute of physical and chemical technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 1997. 08-2003. 07: Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China; 1995. 08-1997. 07: Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China;

Scientific research achievements

Enrollment plan

Two Master students per year

Representative papers

(1) Mengyao Shen; Lige Tong; Hongsheng Ding*; Li Wang; Yulong Ding; Numerical investigation of flow stratification behavior of binary particle mixture for high-temperature flue gas filtration on an inclined moving bed, Powder Technology, 2021, 382: 339-350 (2) Fang Bai; Hongsheng Ding ; Lige Tong*; Liqing Pan; Microstructure and properties of the interlayer heat-affected zone in X80 pipeline girth welds, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2020, 30: 110-117 (3) Fang Bai; Hongsheng Ding; Lige Tong* ; Liqing Pan ; Li Wang; Microstructural Changes and Impact Toughness of Fill Pass in X80 Steel Weld Metal, Metals, 2019, 9(898) : 1-17 (4) Guang-Shun Han; Hong-Sheng Ding*; Yun Huang; Li-Ge Tong ; Yu-Long Ding; A comparative study on the performances of different shell-and-tube type latent heat thermal energy storage units including the effects of natural convection, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer , 2017, 88: 228-235 (5) Li Xiaomeng; Ding Hongsheng * ; Bai Shiwu; Research on the stress-magnetism effect of a ferromagnetic material based on three-dimensional magnetic flux leakage testing, NDT & E International, 2014, 62: 50-54

Postgraduate training

  • School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, USTB
  • 30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing,100083