Peijun Wei
Education Experience: 1996/9 - 1999/8, Ph.D in solid mechanics. Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1984/9 - 1987/7, MSc in solid mechanics. Department of aircraft, Northwestern Polytechnical University. 1980/9 - 1984/8, Bachelor in aircraft design, Department of aircraft, Northwestern Polytechnical University. Work Experiences: 1. 2003/7 – Now, Department of applied mechanics, School of mathemetics and physics, University of sciences and technology Beijing, Associated professor from 2003 and professor from 2007. 2. 2006/08---2006/12, Visting scholar at Department of mathematics, University of Taxas at Arlington. 3. 2001/10 – 2003/6, Post Ph.d research at Department of mechanic and engineering sciences, Peking University. 4. 1999/09 - 2001/08, Post Ph.d research at Department of mechanic, School of civil engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University. 5. 1987/05 - 1996/08, Assistant and lecturer at Department of industrial and civil architecture, Hebei University of Engineering.
Monograph and Textbook Published: 1. P.J.Wei, Integral equation and numerical method, Metallurgical Industry Press, 2007. (In Chinese) 2. P.J.Wei, Mathematical and Physical Equations, Metallurgical Industry Press, 2012. (In Chinese) 3. P.J.Wei, Theory of elastic wave, Sciences Press, 2021.(in Chinese). Research Projects in Charge: 1. "Propagation and manipulation of multiple physical fields coupled elastic waves in the laminated structure of piezoelectric semiconductor” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 11872105, Period: 2019.01-2022.12. 2. “The study on the seepage law of horizontal wells in the oil deposit of Aunan” supported by Joint Research Project with Daqing Oilfield Limited Company. Period: 2014.06-2017.05. 3. “The propagation and manipulation of coupled elastic waves in the piezoelectric semiconductor” supported by Joint Research Project with University of sciences and technology Taibei. Period: 2017.01-2018.12. 4. “Propagation characteristic of elastic waves in periodic piezoelectric composite” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.10972029, Period: 2010/01-2012/12. 5. “The bandgap feature of elastic waves in phononic crystal” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 10672019, period: 2007/01-2009/12. 6. “Propagation of effective waves in composite and the inversion problem in material characterization” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.10272003, Period:2003/01-2005/12.
1. Yahong Zhou, Peijun Wei*, Xiaoli Zhou, Multi-displacement continuum modelling of the metamaterial plate with periodical arranged resonators. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 76: 655-668. 2. Yueqiu Li*, Peijun Wei, Changda Wang, Propagation of thermoelastic waves across an interface with consideration of couple stress and second sound. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2019,24(1): 235–257. 3. Yueqiu Li*, Peijun Wei, Influences of interface properties on the wave propagation in the dipolar gradient elastic solid. Acta Mechanica, 2019, 230(3): 805-820. 4. Yueqiu Li*, Peijun Wei, Changda Wang, Dispersion feature of elastic waves in 1-D phononic crystal with consideration of Couple-stress effects. Acta Mechanica 2019,230:2187–2200. 5. Feng Jiao, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, Wave propagation in piezoelectric medium with the flexoelectric effect considered. Journal of Mechanics, 2019, 35(1):51-63. 6. Fengyu Jiao, Peijun Wei*, Yahong Zhou, Xiaoli Zhou, Wave propagation through a piezoelectric semiconductor slab sandwiched by two piezoelectric half-spaces. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2019, 75:70-81. 7. Yahong Zhou, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, Li Li, Continuum model of two-dimensional crystal lattice of metamaterials. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2019, 26(3): 224–237 8. Fengyu Jiao, Peijun Wei*, Xiaoli Zhou, Yahong Zhou, The dispersion and attenuation of the multi-physical fields coupled waves in a piezoelectric semiconductor. Ultrasonics, 2019, 92: 68-78. 9. Peng Zhang, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, The elastic wave propagation through the finite and infinite periodic laminated structure of micropolar elasticity. Composite Structures, 2018, 200: 358-370. 10. Yueqiu Li, Wanli Wang, Peijun Wei*, Changda Wang, Reflection and transmission of elastic waves at an interface with consideration of couple stress and thermal wave effects. Meccanica, 53(11-12): 2921-2938. 11. Jianjun Wang*, Lei Qin, Peijun Wei, Lihua Tang, Modeling and analysis of multilayer piezoelectric-elastic spherical transducers. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2018, 29(11): 2437-2455. 12. Peng Zhang, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, Reflection of longitudinal micro-rotational wave at viscoelastically supported boundary of micropolar half-space. Journal of Mechanics, 2018, 34(3): 243-255. 13. Yueqiu Li* Peijun Wei, Propagation of thermo-elastic waves at several typical interfaces based on the theory of dipolar gradient elasticity. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2018, 31(2): 229-242. 14. Yueqiu Li, Long Li, Peijun Wei*, Changda Wang, Reflection and refraction of thermoelastic waves at an interface of two couple-stress solids based on Lord-Shulman thermoelastic theory,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 55: 536-550. 15. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei*, Li Li, Man Lan, Effects of functionally graded interlayers on dispersion relations of shear horizontal waves in layered piezoelectric/piezomagnetic cylinders,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2018 , 55: 569-582. 16. Li Li*, Peijun Wei, H M Zhang, Yahong Zhou, Love waves on a half space with gradient piezoelectric layer by the geometric integration method, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2018, 25(10): 847-854. 17. Fengyu Jiao, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, Wave propagation through a flexoelectric piezoelectric slab sandwiched by two piezoelectric half-spaces. Ultrasonics, 2018, 82: 217-232. 18. Yueqiu Li*, Peijun Wei, Reflection and transmission of thermo-elastic waves without energy dissipation at the interface of two dipolar gradient elastic solids Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2018, 143(1):550-562. 19. Wang C D, Chen X J, Wei P J, Li Y Q. Reflection and transmission of elastic waves through a couple-stress elastic slab sandwiched between two half-spaces[J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2017:1-18. 20. Wang C D, Wei P J, Zhang P, Li Y Q. Influences of a visco-elastically supported boundary on reflected waves in a couple-stress elastic halfspace[J]. Archives of Mechanics, 2017, 69(2): 131-156. SCI 21. Wang C D, Chen X J, Wei P J, Li Y Q. Reflection of elastic waves at the elastically supported boundary of a couple stress elastic half-space[J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2017, 30(2): 154-164. SCI 22. Yueqiu Li, Peijun Wei*, Reflection and refraction of thermoelastic waves at an interface of two couple-stress solids based on Lord-Shulman thermoelastic theory, Applied Mathematical Modelling,2017,55:536-550. 23. Jianjun Wang, Peijun Wei, Jianlong Ji, Theoretical analysis of a resistance adjusting type piezoelectric cylindrical transducer, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Structure, 2017, 28 (20) :1045389X1770406. 24. Peng Zhang, P.J. Wei, Yueqiu Li, In-plane wave propagation through a microstretch slab sandwiched by two half-spaces, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2017, 63: 136-148. 25. Fengyu Jiao, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, Wave propagation through a flexoelectric piezoelectric slab sandwiched by two piezoelectric half-spaces,Ultrasonics,2017,217-232. 26. Jiao F, Wei P, Li Y.,Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Medium with the Flexoelectric Effect Considered, Journal of Mechanics, 2017 :1-13. 27. Fengyu Jiao, Peijun Wei*, Li Li, Wave propagation through an inhomogeneous slab sandwiched by the piezoelectric and the piezomagnetic half spaces, Ultrasonics, 2017, 73: 22–33. 28. Yueqiu Li, Peijun Wei*, Reflection and transmission of elastic waves at five types of possible interfaces between two dipolar gradient elastic half-spaces, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2017, 33(1), 173-188. 29. Li Li, P.J. Wei*, X. Guo, Rayleigh wave on the half-space with a gradient piezoelectric layer and imperfect interface, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40: 8326–8337. 30. Zhi Kong, Peijun Wei*, Fengyu Jiao, Surface/interface effects on the effective propagation constants of coherent waves in composites with random parallel nanofibers, J. Acoust. Soc. America, 2016, 140 (1): 486-497. 31. Yahong Zhou, Peijun Wei*, Continuum model of a one-dimensional lattice of metamaterials, Acta Mechanica, 2016, 227(8): 2361-2376. 32. Yahong Zhou, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, Qiheng Tang, Continuum model of acoustic metamaterials with diatomic crystal lattice, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2016.1205685. 33. Peng Zhang, Peijun Wei*, Yueqiu Li, Wave propagation through a micropolar slab sandwiched by two elastic half-spaces, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2016, 138(4): 1-17, 041008. 34. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei*, Man Lan, Li Li, Dispersive relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric/piezomagnetic phononic crystal with functionally graded interlayers, Ultrasonics, 2016, 70:158–171. 35. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei*, Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal with initial stresses, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 106: 231–244. 36. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei*, Li Li, Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal with mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interfaces, Mech.Mater., 2016, 93: 168–183. 37. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei*, Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric/piezomagnetic phononic crystal with initial stresses, Ultrasonics, 2016, 66: 72–85. 38. Qiang Zhao, P J Wei, Qiheng Tang, The transmission properties of elastic waves through multilayers of spheres with planar defects, ACTA Mechanica. Acta Mechanica, 2016 , 227 (2) :321-331 39. Yueqiu Li, Peijun Wei, QihenTang, Reflection and transmission of elastic waves at the interface between two gradient-elastic solids with surface energy. Eur. J. Mech. A-Solid, 2015, 52:54-71 40. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei, Li Li, Influences of mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interface on the reflection and transmission waves at the interface of two piezoelectric half spaces, Int. J. Solids & Struct., 2015,63: 184–205 41. Kong Zhi, Qiang Fangwei,Wei peijun, Q. Tang,Propagation of elastic wave in composites reinforced by dispersive parallel cylindrical nanofibers, Archive of mechanics, Arch. Mech.,2015, 67:1–16. 42. Bei Cai, Peijun Wei, Kong Zhi, Surface/interface effect on band gap of anti-plane wave in 2D phononic crystal with parallel nanoholes or nanofibers,Mechanics of composite material. 2015, 51(4). 43. Yueqiu Li, P J Wei,Reflection and transmission of plane wave at the interface between two different dipolar gradient elastic half-spaces, Int.J.Solid Struct. 2015, 56–57: 194–208. 44. Fangwei Qiang,Peijun Wei, The effective dynamic properties of random nanoporous materials with consideration of surface effects, ACTA Mechanica, 2015, 226:1201-1212. 45. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei, The effect of initial stress on the reflection and transmission waves at the interface between two piezoelectric half spaces, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014,51: 3735–3751.