Zhanghua Chen
2004 07-present: Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China; 1999.5-2002. 11: PhD, Department of Industrial and System Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China; 1995. 08-2004. 06: Associate professor, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China; 1988. 9-1995. 07: Lecture, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China;
1. High-throughput experiments, computational simulation and knowledge extraction in micro-nano scale mechanics of materials, National key high-tech research and development project, 2021. 2. Computational simulation and experimental study on the effect of adsorption on the structure and stability of metal passive film, National Natural Science Foundation project, 2017
1 PhD student and 1 Master students per year
1. S. Wang, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Tearing Failure of Ultra-Thin Sheet-Metal Involving Size Effect in Blanking Process: Analysis Based on Modified GTN Model,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 133, 2017, Pages 288-302. 2. P.J. Zhao, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Investigation and prediction of tearing failure during extrusion based on a modified shear damage model,Mechanics of Materials, 2017, 112: 28-39.